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[Complete Package]SQL Injection Attack
| 05.27.2012, 5:27 PM |
Hello Viewer, Now i am come again with my new thread. You like my old post Hack Facebook,Gmail,Yahoo and Twitter Account by BT5 so thanks for it. Now i am going to write my new tutorial in Backtrack Series.
I think you would know or hear about SQL Injection, IF you say "YES" so it's is good or else you say "NO" so please read about it by my old post...
Complete SQL Injection Attacks With Pics
Hack Website By Havij
I think my old tutorial is too good and also very helpful for a Newbie. Here i will going to tell you only How to Doing SQL INJECTION Attacks by BackTrack 5.
So Follow my steps and done it successfully!!!!
STEP1: Below pic show you a website which name is ,Now i am usedmy Backtrack Skill and find that website Admin name and password.
STEP2: Open your BackTrack Terminal and Write "cd /pentest/web/scanners/sqlmap" and Hit Enter Key like below pic...
STEP3: Now i am going to find out Website DataBase name,so for it write...
python -u --dbs
For Example see below pic...
STEP4: When you done step 3 then you see after sometime processing a list of DataBase name come like below pic in which all name under RED color ring...
Now choose any DataBase name for Forward Processing.In my case,i am select "junincc_junincc".
STEP5: After select DB name now write on forward step...
python -u -D junincc_junincc --tables
i am write these command for find tables name under DataBase junincc_junincc see below pic...
STEP6: When you have done step 5 then you see a list of tables come,In my case you see below pic where tables name in under of RED color ring....
Now here i am select "usuarios" for find out columns name by Tables.
STEP7: For Find Columns name of any Table write below command...
python -u -D junincc_junincc -T usuarios --columns
See below pic...
STEP8: When you have done step 7 then you found a list of Table's columns,see below pic all columns name in table usuarios write in RED color ring...
Here i am select two Columns name for future work which name is " clave , usuario " .
STEP9: Now i am going to find about columns information which save in column "clave , usuario" ,so run these command......
python -u -D junincc_junincc -T usuarios -C clave,usuario --dump
See below pic...
STEP10: When you run step 9 command then in some steps it ask for forward processing show you write "Y" and press ENTER KEY,see below pic...
STEP11: Wait for some time then you see result like below pic...
Here "admin" is the ADMIN account ID Name and password encrypt in MD5 ,For Decrypt it go to online MD5 Decryption Website and Decrypt the Password of Admin site.
I hope u will be successful in your work,so all the BEST!
Category: My files | Added by: albanian-hacker
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